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You are using Amazon FBA in other countries? Most likely, you need a local VAT number
And final VAT should be calculated on the retail price of sales, not on the wholesale value of the...
2 to the e-commerce forum 2016 in Milan
Taxmen will be part of a round-table on the legal, tax and regulatory aspects of digital export...
An article (in Italian) on the Italian patent box published on Corriere Innovazione
We are looking for a Slovakian VAT independent expert
Please contact us privately. Thank you.
Accenture and Taxmen on digital export @ Netcomm e-commerce forum 2016
On 18 May 2016, 2.00 pm, Taxmen will be part of a roundtable on digital export and new...
An eye on Miasuki: equestrian and fashion clothing
We do not usually endorse online stores but Miasuki is a new Hong Kong/London/Milan...