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“Crossborder Ecommerce” Linkedin group
Join our new Linkedin group "Crossborder eCommerce": From European VAT to North-American Sales...
Kudos to Nakpack! The only 100% cardboard eco-friendly packaging for e-commerce of wine and beer is now available in the UK. And it is from Italy!
Official presentation at the London Wine Fair 2016. Nakpack has been tested with all of the...
No obbligo fattura nell’e-commerce…!
I negozi di e-commerce “indiretto”, cioè che effettuano vendite per...
How the new EU Customs Code will affect royalties
Starting from 1 May 2016, under the new EU Customs Code, all royalty payments will be dutiable...
EU online stores and marketplaces: the link to the Online Dispute Resolution platform is mandatory
The Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform is now active. Consumers can submit contractual...
Millions of low-value e-commerce parcels from China will soon start to be charged EU customs duties. Is it right?
EU customs duty relief on the importation of consignments with an intrinsic value threshold...