da Alan Rhode | Nov 23, 2022 | Uncategorized
The UK announced a new regime of penalties and surcharges for submitting late VAT returns and VAT payments starting in January 2023. Under this new system, taxpayers will see the possibility of getting a penalty or surcharge...
da Alan Rhode | Nov 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
The European Commission is set to introduce a new regulation which for the first time foresees provisions to limit the size of packaging and the volume of “empty space” in the boxes that are shipped throughout Europe by online...
da Alan Rhode | Nov 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Currently, corporate groups in Poland can only jointly account for Corporate Income Tax. They do not have a common VAT settlement, which is a European standard – the so-called “VAT groups”. This gap makes Poland a less competitive destination for investments than...
da Alan Rhode | Ott 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
In Switzerland, the increased ageing of population is stressing the public pension system, in constant need of additional funding. To address the issue, a referendum was held last 25 September to decide on an increase in the VAT rates. By a majority of 55.07%, people...
da Alan Rhode | Ott 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
In September, the European Commission published a draft proposal for a directive on Artificial Intelligence (AI) liability, which will supplement the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act currently under negotiation. In a representative poll in 2020 (European...
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