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29 September 2016 - h. 14- Talent Garden
European VAT on distance selling @ Prestashop Blog
Our latest article on the Prestashop Blog: VAT (the acronym for Value Added Tax) is a consumption...
Our presentation on the European VAT distance selling scheme at the Internationalization through e-Commerce YellowCube, Zurich, On 16 June 2016
European VAT Demystified for Non-European Digital Services Sellers (
Our contribution on VAT on digital services for U.S. suppliers just published on the TaxJar Blog:...
UK: overseas businesses and online marketplaces affected by new VAT measures to tackle tax evasion
This year, the United Kingdom is introducing new, tough measures to prevent overseas online stores...
Foreign e-commerce stores shipping parcels to German consumers must join Der Grüne Punkt: otherwise, hefty penalties may apply
Pursuant to the German packaging ordinance, regardless of the amount of packaging used and parcels...