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SMEs: towards harmonisation on Value Added Tax exemptions
Is SME cross-border business set for a take off in the European Union in...
UK/US arm-wrestling on the digital turnover tax
How long will the U.K. post-Brexit honeymoon with the U.S. last? Not long if the Boris Johnson-led...
A new decade for EU taxation
A new decade, new faces, a new agenda. But will it mean new solutions for old problems such...
The U.S. pivot on digital tax talks
For all the skeptics that have stood on the sidelines of the OECD digital...
2024: EU banks to x-ray e-commerce sales against VAT evasion
The European Commission has recently estimated that Value Added Tax fraud...
Shall the E.U. blacklist the U.S. tax system?
Now we know: there are two sets of rules the European Union uses when drawing up it...