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Il nostro portfolio è molto vario e include dal piccolo merchant Amazon fino al gruppo multinazionale fashion. Tutti condividono un obiettivo: veder crescere il proprio business.
Key Info:
- Siamo veloci.
- Fee a forfait - No billing orario..
- Operiamo soltanto con professionisti qualificati, chartered accountants and professionals.
- Condividiamo il nostro network di partner nei settori retail, logistica e marketing con i nostri clienti
- Ragioniamo in modo pragmatico, come i migliori imprenditori!!
![The new polish VAT group](
The new polish VAT group
Currently, corporate groups in Poland can only jointly account for Corporate Income Tax. They do not have a common VAT settlement, which is a European standard – the so-called “VAT groups”. This gap makes Poland a less competitive destination for investments than...
![VAT: news from Switzerland](
VAT: news from Switzerland
In Switzerland, the increased ageing of population is stressing the public pension system, in constant need of additional funding. To address the issue, a referendum was held last 25 September to decide on an increase in the VAT rates. By a majority of 55.07%, people...