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Il nostro portfolio è molto vario e include dal piccolo merchant Amazon fino al gruppo multinazionale fashion. Tutti condividono un obiettivo: veder crescere il proprio business.
Key Info:
- Siamo veloci.
- Fee a forfait - No billing orario..
- Operiamo soltanto con professionisti qualificati, chartered accountants and professionals.
- Condividiamo il nostro network di partner nei settori retail, logistica e marketing con i nostri clienti
- Ragioniamo in modo pragmatico, come i migliori imprenditori!!
![SMEs: towards harmonisation on Value Added Tax exemptions](
SMEs: towards harmonisation on Value Added Tax exemptions
Is SME cross-border business set for a take off in the European Union in the years to come? That is certainly the hope of EU finance ministers when they signed off - some rather reluctantly - on new Value Added...
![UK/US arm-wrestling on the digital turnover tax](
UK/US arm-wrestling on the digital turnover tax
How long will the U.K. post-Brexit honeymoon with the U.S. last? Not long if the Boris Johnson-led Tory government carries through on its commitment to adopt a digital turnover tax in the upcoming budget. After turning the screws on France and its digital service tax,...