We specialise in tax and legal services for the e-commerce sector.

Be aware of the tax ramifications of your digital trade when expanding globally

You want to trade in 100 countries? It’s not only the law of your home country that will apply
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Our Portfolio
Our clients ranges from small marketplace merchants to large fashion retailers. They all share one goal: increase their business.
Key Info:
- We act fast.
- Flat fees only – no billing by the hour.
- We only employ or partner with qualified lawyers, chartered accountants and professionals.
- We share our network of partners in the retail, logistical, marketing and financial sector with our clients.
- We think pragmatically, like the best entrepreneurs!

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UK/US arm-wrestling on the digital turnover tax
How long will the U.K. post-Brexit honeymoon with the U.S. last? Not long if the Boris Johnson-led Tory government carries through on its commitment to adopt a digital turnover tax in the upcoming budget. After turning the screws on France and its digital service tax,...

A new decade for EU taxation
A new decade, new faces, a new agenda. But will it mean new solutions for old problems such as energy taxation needed to tackle climate change or VAT fraud or new taxes to help cover the EU Brexit funding gap or the ever present need...