Marketplaces under the EU’s spotlight

Marketplaces under the EU’s spotlight

As of 1 January 2023, EU-based online platforms shall provide information on their sellers under Council Directive (EU) 2021/514, or DAC7. As a result of these new rules, EU tax authorities will get a much better insight into the sales made via marketplaces. Both...
The UK to relax its penalty rules.

The UK to relax its penalty rules.

The UK announced a new regime of penalties and surcharges for submitting late VAT returns and VAT payments starting in January 2023. Under this new system, taxpayers will see the possibility of getting a penalty or surcharge...
The new polish VAT group

The new polish VAT group

Currently, corporate groups in Poland can only jointly account for Corporate Income Tax. They do not have a common VAT settlement, which is a European standard – the so-called “VAT groups”. This gap makes Poland a less competitive destination for investments than...
VAT: news from Switzerland

VAT: news from Switzerland

In Switzerland, the increased ageing of population is stressing the public pension system, in constant need of additional funding. To address the issue, a referendum was held last 25 September to decide on an increase in the VAT rates. By a majority of 55.07%, people...
UK: HMRC changes strategy with online traders

UK: HMRC changes strategy with online traders

From September 2022, HMRC has changed the way its online compliance check team carries out e-commerce VAT assessments. Rather than requesting sales information from merchants as in the past, HMRC will now receive data directly from marketplaces (for instance, Amazon)...