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Yesterday, the EU Commission adopted its decision on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield. This new...
Brexit: Qu’est-ce qui pourrait changer pour l’e-commerce d’un point de vue juridique et fiscal? (
De nombreux commerçants français se demandent quelles répercussions la sortie du Royaume-Uni de...
After Brexit, Switzerland is likely to grow as an European digital hub (
Our contribution on The exit of the United Kingdom from the EU will make...
Brexit: cosa cambierà per l’e-commerce da un punto di vista legale e fiscale?
Un nostro contributo sul Blog...
Blog Prestashop: dieci regole sul diritto di recesso online
Il sottoscritto ha pubblicato un post sul blog di Prestashop! Ecco il testo e link: Avere un...
Barcelona, 30 May 2016 – Ecommerce Europe Annual Conference: crossborder parcel delivery
Check the...